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The Petersburg Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
After much consideration and in response to the growing concerns and continued spread of the Novel Corona-virus (COVID-19), we have decided to postpone our May Week 2020 event.
We looked forward to honoring community leaders, scholarship students, and high school
juniors and seniors at our May Week 2020. We will work diligently to identify a new date for this event and will announce the date when confirmed. All current ticket
purchases/reservations will be honored for rescheduled date.
Thank you for your continued support of programs, projects and fundraisers. If you have
any concerns or questions, please contact us at this email address. We encourage you
to adhere to commonsense best health practices, follow the CDC guidance and stay safe.
Petersburg Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
The Petersburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated invites you to join us in celebration as we host our Community Honors and Scholarship Event.
We will be recognizing the PAC 2020 scholarship recipients, community leaders and student honorees from high schools in our service area.
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